Saturday 29 August 2015

28 August - Last day on American soil

Well here we aare. Last day.

This morning we went ona bus sightseeing tour of San Francisco. It was great. We saw the church where Joe D'magio (not sure about the spelling) and Marilyn Monroe. Interesting fact about the church is that it doesn't have an street address. The city wanted the church to have the number 666 and as you probably can understand, that is not a number a church want to be associated with.

We also saw the house that Jimi Hendrix lived in when he got discovered. Also a house that have large female legs sticking out of a window. Funny.

We also got another opportunity to see the Golden Gate Bridge. More great photos.

We jumped off the bus at the Golden Gate Bridge Park. It  is huge, but the main part you have to pay to get in to and we didn't think it was worth it. An interesting fact about the park is that the first 2 park superintenders had different views on how the park should look like. The first thought there should be statues in the park but the second didn't. So when he took over he planted trees and shrubs in front of them and over time the statues got covered. When the second guy passed away the City decided to chop the trees down so now you can see the statues again.

The city erected a statue of the second superintendent, the whole of 5 feet tall. Well, I guess it is still a statue though very small.

The weather was yet again very varm and we both got sunburned.

When we arrived at San Francisco Airport we got on a 1 hour earlier flight. The Delta guy at the check-in took us through the security. We went in front of other people, and we didn't have to do the x-ray thingy. Made us feel like really special.

We are now at LAX and waiting for our flight to leave. Just over 2 hours to go.

New Zealand, here we come

Thursday 27 August 2015

27 August - Day 3 San Francisco

Today we took the underground to Oakland to have a look around and to to find some outlet stores.

We got off at the City centre (Google told us that there were some shops there). We found.....foodstores and a chemist.

So we walked down the street to see if we could find anything. On one of the buildings was a huge sign for Sears, but do you think we could find the entrance to the store? I can't have been a shop there.

So we stopped for a coffee and another check with Google. It told us that there was a mall about 40 minutes away.So off we went.

We went passed several car sale yards, and I saw my car (in my dreams!). Audi TT

I should also mention that is was quite warm today.

Grant was trying out his new sandals and they were rubbing on some of his toes, so it was lucky the chemist shop was in the City centre. 3 plasters later and he was ok.

So after about 40 minutes we arrived at the mall. Well... Who calls a pet shop, a bank and a supermarket a mall????? So after all that walking we ended up buying a bottle of coke. Man!!

To get back onto the underground we had to walk for another 16 minutes. I was very glad to sit down and ride back to San Francisco (so was Grant)

We have walked for over 12 k's today. I think we will sleep well tonight.

Before we go to bed, it's time to pack the bags for the last time. When we drop them off at the airport tomorrow night it will be the last we see of them until we arrive in Wellington.

I think we will either do the bus sightseeing trip or go to the botanical gardens tomorrow. 

Wednesday 26 August 2015

26 August - Day 2 San Francisco

We have walked across the Golden Gate Bridge!!! It feels like a dream. Who would have thought we would ever do that?

Man, it is quite some way down from the middle of the bridge. I did spot an emergency and crisis counseling phone. I wonder how often that phone is used. Personally I felt a bit sick when I looked down to the water and had to step back from the edge. Got some great photos though. Was glad when we were back on Terra Firma.

We took public transport to the bridge, and that was an interesting experience. Grant googled what bus (buses) to take. The first bus worked out correct, but the second bus never showed up (and wasn't on the list at the bus stop. So Grant did another search and found another bus that would take us a bit closer. The 3rd bus was yet another ghost bus, so again Grant search for another route.... And Hurray it turned up. But since we didn't have a timetable for our day it wasn't really a problem. Actually it was quite fun.

On the way back we only had to take 2 different buses. That was because we decided to go back to the Fishermans Warf. Had a coffee before going back to the hotel (for a well earned rest...) The bus took us through China Town. Will try to get there before we leave for home.

After a short rest we went for a walk around the area close to the hotel, and we came across a Converse store. To tempting...So yet another pair of shoes.  Kim gave me a new nickname: Eva Emelda Key, and maybe it is correct.... Oh well, Grant got a nice pair of shoes as well.

On the way back to the hotel we spotted a girl wearing a t-shirt with the word 'Weirdo' printed on it. 
Seriously, who want to wear a t-shirt with that printed on it?

We were told before we came to San Francisco that there is a lot of people living on the street here and we can confirm that it is correct. It is quite sad actually, but also a bit confusing when you see that some of them have dogs and cellphones. Doesn't really add up for me.

Enjoying our time here but for the first time on this trip we actually are looking forward to go home. It will be nice to not live out of suitcases.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

25 August - Day 1 in San Francisco

We have been on the longest cablecar ride in our lives today. And in San Francisco! Man the streets are steep! Loved it.

We went down to Fishermans wharf and spent several hours walking around. We went past a camera shop and we went in to have a look. They tried to sell us a wideangle lens. The price started at $599, went down to $399. When Grant said no they asked him if they could throw in  some filters if that would make a different. When Grant still said no, the price went down to $50. We just walked out of the shop. Grant later told me that the lens was really light, and probably a plastic lens, so even at the price of $50 they would probably made a profit.

Martin & Maria..... Check out photo number 2. You can do this in San Francisco!!!!

While we walked down the street I bumped into Morgan Freeman (have a photo to prove this). WOW, how exciting is that! Interesting that is was just outside Madame Tussauds. He must have been there for some reason....

From the waterfront you can see Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge, and we got several photos from different angles. We will probably go to the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow. You can walk across it (or do it on a bike).

At Pier 39 there is a colony of seals. Man, the pong in that area!!! Really fresh. Got some cool photos though.

After a coffee stop we went to The Bay Company and we bought 2 pair (each) of Levy jeans, for a very good price. 

Then we took the cablecar back to Union square (where the Hotel is) for some off loading and a brief rest. Before we boarded the cablecar we spotted 4 trees that looks like the Pohutukawa tree. See if you agree with me

We went to a specific store (see if you can figure out which one from one of the photos) were Grant purchased a ..........

A great first day.

Part of the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Tried to be a bit arty

Monday 24 August 2015

24 August - Leaving Michigan

So the last day in Michigan has arrived. What happened to the second week? It must have been on speed because it just flew past. We have so much fun and even though we have only been with Mark, Valerie, Alan & Kim for 14 days it feels like we have known each other for ever and ever. It has been interesting to find out that the American wing of the family have the same sense of humor as the Swedish (and Mark and Kim via association with the Hellstrom family).
We will miss being with them.

Grant and I have already decided that we will try to come again. We are hoping that they would want us to do so....

Well then it was time to say goodbye, and up until then we had managed to keep things together (at least on the surface), and it got quite emotional. So grant and I sort of just took off after we had said farewell.

We needed a coffee after that to compose ourselves. 

The flight was about 15 minutes late so when we arrived in Detroit it was off the plane and straight onto the next. And to our surprise, you had to pay if you wanted something to eat!!! On a flight lasting 4 1/2 hours! Unbelievable!!! AND if you wanted to watch a movie you had to pay for that as well. Not impressed... Ok, that will be the only rant (and complaint) for this trip. I feel so much better now.

So I watched Black(ish) instead and I really enjoyed that. I even giggled a couple of times.

All our bags made it to San Fransisco with us (Yippee) and we found the shuttle and we are now at the Hotel.

Tomorrow we will probably go down to the Fishermans Wharf and spend the day there. Photos will be taken.....

What a great family
And this is with the 2 extra members

Sunday 23 August 2015

23 August - Owosso

This morning we traveled (again) to a town called Owosso for The Salvation Army church service. Alan had taken instruments with him so we were going to play in the service. About 40 years ago Leif and Mary was stationed there as the Corps Officers.

Before the service we went around to the old officers quarters, and Alan and Valerie were reminiscing about things they could remember from their time there.

Then we drove to the Corps. We were welcomed by a gentlemen in uniform and for the next 10 minutes Grant couldn't get away from him. He was telling Grant his life story. In the end Valerie rescued him (I was just standing behind Grant giggling).

Britt and Jack turned up for the service so now we have met everyone, except for Stephanie (Alan & Kims daughter) who lives in Texas.

If we hadn't been there this morning there would have been 7 people at the service. The CO is a lieutenant (he's been there since July) and he was a great speaker.

The playing was fun. Alan and I played cornet, Kim tenorhorn, Valerie baritone and Grant the bass (on a euphonium), with the Lt on tenorhorn and a lady from the Corps played cornet as well. So it was almost a family affair. The talent is flowing in this family!

This afternoon we said farewell to Alan and Kim, and that was really sad. Even though we have only known them for 2 weeks it feels like for ever. Glad that we have connected on Skype.

We then drove back to Cadillac, have repacked the bags and now are just relaxing until it time to go to bed. Last day in Michigan tomorrow. Hard to believe.

22 August - Near Detroit & meeting Aaron

Today we traveled towards Detroit to meet up with Mark & Valeries son Aaron. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get there. 
When we arrived at his flat complex he was in the process to get rid of his rubbish. And he had his bull mastif/ bull terrier puppy with him. She is only 12 weeks old and she is a typical puppy with her legs flopping and flaying in all directions when she runs. So cute.

We had to stop at a nearby petrol station for Aaron so he could get some energy drinks. He had worked to 1am and then stayed up to 5 am so he needed them to wake up.

Then we traveled to.......... IKEA!! Yep, we have traveled all the way to Michigan, USA, to go to Ikea. I was really exited (I really mean it!). I hope that Ikea comes to New Zealand in the  (near) future. They have so much nice stuff. 

We had lunch there. Swedish meatballs with lingonsylt! It was like we were actually back in Sweden. We also bought some cinnamon buns that we planned to have for tea but when we came home we were all shattered so maybe for breakfast tomorrow?

After dropping Aaron off we drove back to Lansing via a outlet shop mall. Grant and I got ourself some really nice sandals from Merrell. The 2 pair cost less then what you would pay for 1 pair in New Zealand. Actually probably less then half the cost of 1 pair. 

Dinner today was at Olive Garden, an Itialian restaurant. We had fun with our 2 waitresses. They were told that it was Marks Birthday (Happy Birthday Mark!) and by the end of the meal they brought him a plate with a chocolate mousse  with the words "Happy 20th Birthday" written in chocolate. That was both cute as well as funny (He is a bit older than 20).

I had to take most of my meal in a 'doggybag'. As soon as the food arrived I felt full, so dinner will we organised for tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will go to a Salvation Army Corps only 1 1/2 hours away...

And  then we will have to say farewell to Alan & Kim. Lucky we have Skype so that we not only can keep in contact but we can also see each other.

The photo above is not authorised for publishing! But I did it anyway!!!!!!
Flags (from left to right) Michigan, Sweden & USA

Saturday 22 August 2015

21st August - Lansing & and a baseball game

Today we traveled back to Lansing. We are going to a baseball game tonight!!! We can't wait. It will be really interesting to experience the atmosphere, the food and of course the game. It is the local Lansing Lugnuts playing. I thought it was a hilarious name until Grant told me that this is the name of the nuts holding the wheels on the car.
Alan also told us that GM build 3 different type of cars here (Cadillac is one of them), so that made it make even more sense.

On the drive here we divided up in a lady's van and a men's van. Valerie had put in the route in her phone and then she turned to take the route they normally take (driving on automatic....). Mary then said to her to take the next exit and that we would come to the road that Valerie had planned to take in the first place. Kim after a while got the map up on her phone and it told us that we had 1 1/2 hour yet to travel (and we had already been driving for a while), so obviously we took the scenic route. Not that I am complaining. We went through Stanton and Ionia (I think that was the name) and we spotted Grant St. We also went past another Tractor Supply store, so I took a picture for Grant. The men left after us but because they took a more direct route they arrived in Lansing before us. Bad luck for them that Alan's house keys were in the lady's van.... We got a call from them and we decided to meet at "Steak & Shake" for lunch. We had burgers and HUGE milkshakes. Grant had a strawberry shake and I had a snickers shake. I think we have to do on a diet when we come home or we will roll down the streets.

We all had a snooze after arriving at Alan & Kims house (I blame it on the milkshakes) and then it was time to heat to the ballpark.

I was a great evening and the Lognuts won! There were no home-runs but some great hits anyway. And after the game there was also a fireworks display. We are so grateful that they took us to the game.

Alan and I had a look at the family tree that he has put together. He had photos of Grant and I (he got them from Facebook). My Grandfather had 9 siblings and it was the first time I have seen all their names, Alan has some old articles about the terrible boat accident where my Grandmothers parents died. Interesting to read the old fashioned Swedish ( some words are spelled differently).  

All in all it was another faboulus day.