Saturday 1 August 2015

Day 1 part 2

25 hours since the alarm went off and we have finally arrived at Hilton Hotel. We have to wait 25 minutes before our room is ready. It will be so nice to have a shower and to stretch out on a bed, before we continue on our journey to South Dakota. The flights have been really good with good company. The lady I was sitting next to on the flight to Brisbane was going to visit her daughter that 7 years ago was diagnosed with bowl cancer and just recently with a brain tumour. At the same time her daughter was diagnosed with cancer 7 years ago, her husband was diagnosed with cancer as well. She said to me to take every opportunity to do the things you want todo, because you never know what is around the corner.
I  prayed to God for them and asked him for healing.

To follow is a photo of the foyer at Hilton Hotel

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