Monday 3 August 2015

3rd August - Sioux Falls to Keystone

Today we drove from Sioux Falls to Keystone. It took us about 6 hours. The roads here are very straight so when there is a bend in the road it is quite exiting. South Dakota is also very flat. You can see for miles. 

There is this motorcycle rally in Sturgis starting today and we saw several 100's of motorcycles on our trip. Mainly Harley Davidson's. And most of them ride without wearing helmets, and all of them without bike leathers. 

On Sunday when we were at the Army people told us to take the Bad Land byway because the views are fantastic, so we did... but apart for the first bit it was just as monotinous as driving on Inter State 90.

We hit 90 (33 C) while in the Bad Lands. Thankful that the car have aircon...

While in the Bad Lands we saw what looked like a mini sunflower. Cute and beautiful. Also got some photos at some really interesting rockformations (another selfie is coming...)

We missed an intersection and ended up in Rapid City, but we found another way to get to Keystone. When we arrived I saw the sign saying: Keystone population 327. I think for the moment that should probably read 2327...

Had a buffalo burger for tea. It was nice. A man chatted to us tellijng us that he and his wife have come for the bike rally 31 years. He asked if we lived in US. When we said no he said England... When we told him NZ he said ohh that¨s nice. He then wished us a safe trip and to enjoy ourselves.

Ended the day having a lazy evening at the hotel.

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